Sunday, March 08, 2009

WE....are a Baseball Family!!!

I have a ball player. (and a mighty cute one at that.) Just look at him in this pic, all cool with his shades on. He loves baseball. That is his only sport he plays, and he plays it well. In the Spring and early summer, you can always find us at the field watching him play, it is awesome.

Yesterday was tryout day for his age group. He moves up to Juniors this year. Tryouts were 4 hours, and they judged the players on skills, to be able to place the boys on certain level teams: National, American, or Federal. If we got a call last evening, that meant you have to go back today to show more of your skills, in order for them to place you on a American or Federal team. ....................Kyle got a call back. It is so cool too cause the guy that calls doesnt' just talk to Mark, he asks to talk to Kyle, so he can tell the ball player that they want to see more of his skills. He is thrilled that he gets to play ball again today..............then tonite we should get a call to see what team he made it on.

A couple weeks ago my dad was here and he wanted to get Kyle some Catching Gear. He took Kyle to Dicks Sporting Goods and they had lots of fun trying all the stuff on. Kyle is a Great catcher, and rarely does anything get by him. We hope that with his catching gear he will be able to catch more this year. Kyle and Papa John have a deal for the season. Something about 3 homeruns will get him a new bat.................lets see if he can do it!!!!!!

We are just excited for baseball to start. As soon as we see the sign go up at the baseball field every year, that signups are happening, we all get thrilled. I always tell Kyle that just seeing the sign makes me smile. I look forward to many more baseball seasons, watching my son do what he loves to do. ( this parenting thing turns out to be pretty darn great!!!!) When it is baseball season all of our plans revolve around games. It is fun to have Grammy and Papa, Papa John, Uncle John, Aunt Sandra, Chessy and Josh, come for a visit and take them to a game too!!! I can't wait!

Here we go...................................Batter UP!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You are so cool!

Bethany said...

I can't wait til Max is in baseball. I know Bill played and my family was really into it! So fun:)

Jolie said...

Go Kyle...hope you have an awesome season!